Sunday, October 07, 2007

A glimpse of ray shone between two emptiness. Grace given to a meeting where blossoming seed gave cessation to unnecessary hiatus. Grasped a grainful of sand in the initial conundrum. Letting the air swift freely upon the palms of the left hand. Walked the run, crawled the walk, sat the crawl. A pinch of fragrant dew dwelled upon the air. Catched it and kept in my inner coat wallet. Saved it for a dearth torrential drystorm. Twined the strings into a straight band of lifeline. The presence amiable, but given a choice was never ordained. The lingering thoughts of wining pebbled roads goes unpaved as it continues. Saturated. The skin boiled, serenading towards mouthfuls of façade. The ears waxed itself.


Seconds and minutes remained in prison. Hope instilled itself unknowingly. Words became offenders in each other’s terrain. I stood on. My legs lifted my ankles but the soul remained earthed. Gushing towards the light was all it seems. Given a choice to choose but choices was against authority. Bedazzled. Harshly. Walked along the shore of faith. Washed away by the waves as my feet disappear into the sands.

Now. Was there a past? Vague. A smell of fresh chamomile. The impair may found its comfort among the muddling pool. Although pressing against conscious’ avidness…. The summon of all it was never lost. The string still hooked to my last finger. It just never fails. What was promised became a covenant. The greatest commandment reignited. Hands clutched together near the heart, seeking a channel through the continuum of space, something higher than sense.


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