A letter to 12-year-old-me
HEY! Err Adrian ar. Adrian here la. Wah this is the first time it makes sense talking to you…err…myself. Allrite. Im writing this to tell you a brief description about your life in the future cos now I’m 22 years old. Yes the 22 year old you! Nevermind..nevermind dun panic…they have this technology already la 10 years later. Its called e-mail. Hahahahhahaa. Just jokin.
Okay first of all you will look back and find that curly wavy hair that you are having are fantastically cool man. I know, I know…you kinda dislike it now but dun worry bout it. I’ll give you a glimpse of wat u look like 10 years later. There:

not bad la hor so dun worry so much. BWAHAHAHHahahahahahhHAHA. Just pulling your leg. You look more like this when you are 22:

Okok I know you are starting to think that this is a prank letter or something. Allrite let me get to it.
First of all, I want to congratulate you for accepting Christ as your saviour, your best friend, mentor and father. It has been 10 years and let me tell you, never once have I regretted knowing God in such intimacy. I know you are afraid that daddy and mummy might find out and get angry but let me assure you…God will protect you and never let you down. Never. You better believe it or else I would be lying to myself. Hahaha. You will one day thank God for all the wonderful things that he has done to your life. And when I say wonderful, it is not always like giving a lollypop to a child, the child sucks it and smiles because it tastes nice. Sometimes things had to be difficult because God’s teaching is not always spoon-fed. But every time I learn something out from the circumstances that He almighty has given me. And I really thank Him for that. I’m sure you will understand more as you grow older but trust in Him alrite.
If im not mistaken, you are in standard 6 right now. And dad and mum might be having abit of financial difficulties. I know its tough and sometimes you feel really pressured. But don’t worry too much ok. I know you have been praying and I want to tell you that God hears you and things will turn out to be fine. School shouldn’t be much of a problem for you cos I know you are driven. UPSR is coming up right? Just wanna tell you that you don’t have to compare yourself to other people, academically. But as smart as you can get, you know pretty well that certain things are out of your control and you will just have to surrender to God. Let Him take care of it.
On the lighter side, be careful when going out alone to play soccer. The bicycle belt is not working properly and it may jam up one day. Don’t cycle too fast la aiyoh…you think u ghost rider isit…Enjoy hanging around with alex and Kenny because you guys will go to different places one day and will only get to see each other very seldom. And when you are in secondary school d, please go bug mum to let u learn drums. You may think I’m crazy but seriously you will enjoy it. Forget guitars, your fingers aren’t made for em.
Along the way, you will meet people who are nice and of course people who just want you to be around them for the sake of what you can do for them. Just want to tell you that no matter how bad a person is treating you, don’t hate them…hate what they do.
Hey Adrian junior, you take care of mum and dad alrite. And give sister back her freakin ribbons la!
Continue your walk with God and one last thing…you will meet someone special in the future…You will know its her hor when you hear her say “can die” a lot a lot of times. hahahahahahha.
You take care. Got to go, chiao.
Okay first of all you will look back and find that curly wavy hair that you are having are fantastically cool man. I know, I know…you kinda dislike it now but dun worry bout it. I’ll give you a glimpse of wat u look like 10 years later. There:

not bad la hor so dun worry so much. BWAHAHAHHahahahahahhHAHA. Just pulling your leg. You look more like this when you are 22:

Okok I know you are starting to think that this is a prank letter or something. Allrite let me get to it.
First of all, I want to congratulate you for accepting Christ as your saviour, your best friend, mentor and father. It has been 10 years and let me tell you, never once have I regretted knowing God in such intimacy. I know you are afraid that daddy and mummy might find out and get angry but let me assure you…God will protect you and never let you down. Never. You better believe it or else I would be lying to myself. Hahaha. You will one day thank God for all the wonderful things that he has done to your life. And when I say wonderful, it is not always like giving a lollypop to a child, the child sucks it and smiles because it tastes nice. Sometimes things had to be difficult because God’s teaching is not always spoon-fed. But every time I learn something out from the circumstances that He almighty has given me. And I really thank Him for that. I’m sure you will understand more as you grow older but trust in Him alrite.
If im not mistaken, you are in standard 6 right now. And dad and mum might be having abit of financial difficulties. I know its tough and sometimes you feel really pressured. But don’t worry too much ok. I know you have been praying and I want to tell you that God hears you and things will turn out to be fine. School shouldn’t be much of a problem for you cos I know you are driven. UPSR is coming up right? Just wanna tell you that you don’t have to compare yourself to other people, academically. But as smart as you can get, you know pretty well that certain things are out of your control and you will just have to surrender to God. Let Him take care of it.
On the lighter side, be careful when going out alone to play soccer. The bicycle belt is not working properly and it may jam up one day. Don’t cycle too fast la aiyoh…you think u ghost rider isit…Enjoy hanging around with alex and Kenny because you guys will go to different places one day and will only get to see each other very seldom. And when you are in secondary school d, please go bug mum to let u learn drums. You may think I’m crazy but seriously you will enjoy it. Forget guitars, your fingers aren’t made for em.
Along the way, you will meet people who are nice and of course people who just want you to be around them for the sake of what you can do for them. Just want to tell you that no matter how bad a person is treating you, don’t hate them…hate what they do.
Hey Adrian junior, you take care of mum and dad alrite. And give sister back her freakin ribbons la!
Continue your walk with God and one last thing…you will meet someone special in the future…You will know its her hor when you hear her say “can die” a lot a lot of times. hahahahahahha.
You take care. Got to go, chiao.